About Hive Buddy

What is Hive Buddy?

Hive Buddy is a community of current and future beekeepers who are interested in beekeeping and sharing experiences for growth and learning.

What is the Hive Buddy platform?

This is a convenient place for beekeepers to come together to exchange experiences and learn from each other. It is also where our mentorship groups have their private space to spend time together as a cohort.

Does it cost anything to join Hive Buddy?

Not to take a basic look around. You will need to setup a simple profile though.

There are paid mentorships and other programs for personalised help.

How do I get in touch with HiveBuddy admin?

Send us an email at hello@hivebuddy.com

About Mentorships

What is a Hive Buddy mentorship?

An online, group based mentorship program, lead by a beekeeper with varying interests and expertise and a huge dose of enthusiasm to see you grow from the experience.

How do I sign up to a mentorship?

Browse our mentors profiles on the Hive Buddy website and select a beekeeping mentor that suits your style and has the personality that works for you.

What is the format of a mentorship?

During the program you will meet online approximately every fortnight. This will be usually in the evening to accomodate most people's busy work schedules and allow the beekeepers to get out with their bees during the day. In between these group catch ups there will be the oportunity to pose questions and experiences to your cohort in your private Hive Buddy mentorship tribe.

How much does it cost to join a mentorship cohort?

Most cohorts are $59 per month or $590 per year to get specialied group mentoring with an experienced beekeeping mentor.

How do I choose the right mentor?

Take a look around the Hive Buddy platform, see how the mentors exchange their ideas and interact with the people on the platform. Check their business social media profiles to gauge the sort of person they are. Book in!

Do I have to join a mentor group that is close to me?

No, the best approach is to find the person that suits you and your interest level. All Hive Buddy mentors have very different approaches and personalities. This diversity of options is what makes Hive Buddy great for you.

Can I be part of more than one mentorship at once?

That's up to you, if you want different perspectives or even completely different topics to explore than this is a great idea.

Should I still do a beekeeping course if I want to do a mentorship?

Absolutely, mentorship is not a replacement for quality, hands-on beekeeping courses. We provide a great follow up after you have developed some of the foundations of beekeeping.

Can I gift a mentorship program?

Yes, the price is the same and you can order them online from the mentorships page

I don't have bees, can I join a mentorship?

Yes, this is one of the best places to learn more about beekeeping and start to get oriented to the issues and challenges all beekeepers face from time to time.

I'm not sure if I want to keep bees? What should I do?

Join Hive Buddy for free and take a look at the different mentorships and programs on offer. There will be something there to help you with your decision making.

I really want some one on one mentoring, do you do this?"

We will be offering this soon, keep an eye out on the mentors page on our website for when this is released.

Why don't you offer discounts?

We believe it is time to truly value the contribution of many of beekeepings greatest. The people involved have willingly given freely in many instances and their skill and care is worth the price that you pay.

What if I can't get to my mentorship catch up?

It's no surprise to us that people are busy and that you may miss the occassional session. All sessions are recorded and available to cohort members so they can catch up or rewatch the group sessions.

What happens if my mentor reschedules sessions?

We don't want to change planned events too often but it may happen as bees (and life) can create unplanned complexity from time to time. The mentor will always catch up the session and if you can't make it they will record it for you.

There's someone I know who should be a mentor on Hive Buddy?

We are developing a tight framework around how we accept new mentors. This shouldn't be seen as discouraging. We want people who are commited to other people so we need to be careful. Suggest to them that they should email us at hello@hivebuddy.com

Will a mentorship group be as good as in person mentoring?

It will be different and not necessarily better or worse. In a mentor group you get to hear the stories an experience from a whole group and not just your mentor. Team mentoring is well regarded as a great way to quickly gather exposure to lots of different ideas and experiences.

What if I find that I don't like my mentor?

We have carefully worked with the mentors to make sure they have the tools they need to deliver a quality mentor program. If you still feel like it's not working then send us an honest email with an explanation (hello@hivebuddy.com). We'll then want to chat with you to learn more about the situation so we can guide our mentors appropriately. The above is treated with respect and care.

Can I get a refund?

Email us to discuss options - hello@hivebuddy.com