Beekeeping mentorships

Three reasons why a beekeeping mentorship make sense

Quality beekeeping with mentorship experience is hard to find

A beekeeping mentor needs suitable experience with bees and suitable experience with people. If you had to choose between them, then you want them to be a better people person as this is who you are working with on your mentorship.

When the going gets tough you need someone to turn to who has been there before. Someone that you can trust and feel confident asking questions (even the silly ones). A good quality mentor will help you work through your issues in a respectful way with the outcome of increasing your confidence all future decision making.

Motivational checkboxes on a coffee cup

The learning with beekeeping never ends

You've watched some videos, you've completed a beekeeping course, but the learning never stops with beekeeping. But you need to make sure it's the right type of learning.

After you have completed the mandatory learning phase prior (or shortly after) getting a beehive you need to consolidate that learning and match this with what you are seeing when you inspect your beehive. This ongoing validation and problem solving support is a huge advantage and will make sure your bees thrive and that you minimise loss.

Honey bee on flowers

Your part of a team of learners

Spend time in an online group mentorship and learn from everyone's bees and beehives.

Group learning is often the fastest way to gather new knowledge and experiences. With Hive Buddy you can share the learning across all your mentorship team as well as your trusted mentor. 

In between sessions your group can stay connected within your private Hive Buddy mentorship group.

Team work

A support network is a great way to stay connected with other beekeepers and this is exactly what Hive Buddy is here for. It's like having a mastermind group for beekeeping!

Joining Hive Buddy is completely free. Mentorship groups are $59 per month. Hive Buddy offers other programs including a monthly Bee Club, learning courses and our free beekeeping community. Take a look here - Show me the community

If you are you looking for a mentor right now? The meet the Hive Buddy mentor team. We have Anna, Caroline and Carmel, all wonderful beekeepers and amazing mentors - Let's meet

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